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    Home > News > Reinforcement method of steel structure building
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    Reinforcement method of steel structure building

    Time:[2021-3-5]  Hits:2693

    Steel structures are often used in various engineering structures with large spans, large heights, large loads, and large dynamic effects, and have a wide range of applications. With the development of steel structure, its stability becomes more and more important.



    Additional fulcrum reinforcement method


    After the beams and slabs are added with support points in the middle of the span, the span is reduced, which can greatly increase the bearing capacity, and can reduce and limit the deflection and deformation of the beams and slabs. It is suitable for the reinforcement of horizontal structures such as beams, slabs, trusses, and grids in large-span structures with unrestricted house clearance. The advantage is that it is simple and reliable, but the disadvantage is that the use space will be affected to a certain extent.



    Reinforcement method with bonded outer profile steel


    Steel-clad reinforced reinforced concrete beams generally adopt the wet-clad method, that is, epoxy resin grouting and other methods are used to bond the section steel and the reinforced component into a whole. After the reinforced component, the cross-sectional area of the steel under tension and compression is greatly increased. Therefore, the front section bearing capacity and section stiffness are also greatly improved.



    Paste fiber reinforced plastic reinforcement method


    In addition to the advantages of bonding fiber reinforced plastic reinforcement method, it also has the advantages of corrosion resistance, moisture resistance, almost no increase in structural weight, durability, and low maintenance costs. It requires special fire protection treatment. It is suitable for concrete structural members and general structures with various force properties.

    After the reinforcement project is completed, use a small hammer to gently tap the pasted steel plate to judge the bonding effect from the sound or use the ultrasonic method to detect the paste density.

    If the paste area of the anchored area is less than 90%, and the paste area of the non-anchored area is less than 70%, the paste is invalid and should be peeled off and pasted again.

    For major projects, in order to check the reinforcement effect, sample load tests must be carried out. Generally, only standard load tests are used. All the loads that will be removed are added again. The structural deformation and crack development should meet the design and use requirements.



    Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結(jié)構(gòu)有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號
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