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    Home > News > construction steel structure design - Load Value
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    construction steel structure design - Load Value

    Time:[2015-9-23]  Hits:4840

    Guangzhou Steel news: construction steel structure design - Load Value

    The value on load

    1. Constant load: load floor operator agreed to take 2.0kN / m, which is the weight floor building professional practices, aims to leave appropriate room for renovation, not including the weight of the weight of the floor structure and the plate bottom practices.

    2. residential lightweight partition of weight, whether there may light partition or location of the partition layout flexibility and freedom, unanimously considered by constant load, all the value is 2.0kN / m.

    3. Residential live load, but also take 2.0kN / m (three 2.0kN / m: floor practice weight, light weight wall, live load value)

    4. The roof dead load 4.0kN / m roof live load when the Master 2.0kN / m Exalted 0.5kN / m (and for light steel structure of the roof, be sure to specify the structure of the total description: This project is not Master roof, live load design value of 0.5kN / m, non-overloading) Guangzhou Steel

    5. The need to remember three data: 2.5kN / m, 4.0kN / m, 7.0kN / m

    2.5kN / m applied to the floor person or maybe more concentrated, as is usually the stairs, usually balcony, usually toilets, usually the kitchen, meeting room, reading room, hospital outpatient, classrooms.

    4.0kN / m applied to persons or things have perhaps more focused and more intensive floor, such as a gym, bleachers, discos, shops, passenger waiting rooms, exhibition halls, fire evacuation stairs.

    7.0kN / m for two rooms and a transformer room, the ventilation equipment rooms, elevator machine room and hyperbaric pressure chamber. Because these places not only load, as well as device-based load equipment is great.

    6. basement roof, perhaps approximated that is ± 0.000 board, its live load value of 8 ~ 10kN / m. Because construction to ± 0.000, the construction unit project preparation often all stacked on the ground floor roof, so to facilitate construction access anytime, anywhere. Also note that when the board live load value ± 0.000 8 ~ 10kN / m, the now dead load of the wall weight taken as 1.0kN / m perhaps smaller, because the accumulation of a large number of construction preparation, construction of wall generally not been completed. (Design ± 0.000 board, at the same cross-sectional dimensions of the case, plates and reinforcement beams often than other floors large) concept first, accounting for second place. Guangzhou Steel

    Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結(jié)構(gòu)有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號(hào)
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