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    H steel flange straightening machine

    H steel flange straightening machine
    After forming H-beam welding, thermal expansion and contraction due role, which will inevitably produce flange plate bending, H steel flange straightening machine is used to correct the angle of the wing deformation after welding equipment.
    The machine is simple, fast, high efficiency advantages. The machine consists of a rack assembly, the main transmission device, pressing device, roller conveyor, electric control system components. Main drive roller driven by the main drive motor through the operation implemented by cycloid reducer. Pressure device for the motor - cycloid reducer - nut lift - lift the pressure roller. Roller conveyor arranged in the input and output ends straightening machine. Which is corrected by the correction process of the main drive roller and a pressure roller which is grooved to form a bar-type lever, when the H-beam flange plate through this channel, the pressure in the pressure correction roller, produced by bending deformation of the flaps, elasticized after deformation, can be restored to achieve the desired shape correction.
    Hits:7437 Time:[2016-12-25]
    Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結(jié)構(gòu)有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號
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